MacKinnon, Ian2008-05-162008-05-162008-05-162008 the objective of an information retrieval task is to return a nugget rather than a document, query terms that exist in a document often will not be used in the most relevant nugget in the document for the query. In this thesis a new method of query expansion is proposed based on the Wikipedia link structure surrounding the most relevant articles selected either automatically or by human assessors for the query. Evaluated with the Nuggeteer automatic scoring software, which we show to have a high correlation with human assessor scores for the ciQA 2006 topics, an increase in the F-scores is found from the TREC Complex Interactive Question Answering task when integrating this expansion into an already high-performing baseline system. In addition, the method for finding synonyms using Wikipedia is evaluated using more common synonym detection tasks.enInformation RetrievalWikipediaWikipedia-Based Semantic Enhancements for Information Nugget RetrievalMaster ThesisComputer Science