Gibson, IanGoddard, LisaGordon, Shannon2017-06-212017-06-212009 definitive version of One box to search them all: Implementing federated search at an academic library was published by Emerald in Library Hi Tech, Vol. 27 Issue: 1, (2009) The purpose of this paper is to present how, in May 2008, the Ad Hoc Committee on Federated Search was formed to prepare a preliminary report on federated searching for a special meeting of Librarians Academic Council at Memorial University Libraries. The primary purpose is to discuss current implementation of federated searching at this institution, explore what other institutions have done, examine federated search technologies, and offer recommendations for the future of this resource. Design/Methodology/Approach: Information was drawn from a recent usability study, an informal survey was created, and a literature/technology review was conducted. Findings: These four recommendations were proposed and unanimously accepted: actively develop the current federated search implementation by developing a web presence supporting “federated search in context”, re-evaluating the need for consortial purchase of a federated search tool, continuing to assess the current federated search marketplace with an eye to choosing a next-generation federated search tool that includes effective de-duping, sorting, relevancy, clustering and faceting, and that the selection, testing, and implementation of such a tool should involve broad participation from the Memorial University Libraries system. Originality/Value: Provided is an inside look at one institution’s experience with implementing a federated search tool. The paper should be of interest to anyone working in academic libraries, particularly the areas of administration, public services, and systems.enInformation retrievalDatabase management systemsAcademic librariesSearch enginesOne box to search them all: Implementing federated search at an academic libraryArticle