Robinson, Brandon2009-08-052009-08-052009-08-052009-04-23 the following, we build on previous work done on higher derivative gravity, in particular Lovelock gravity. The latter is a family of theories in higher space-time dimensions in which interactions involving higher powers of curvature are introduced, but the equations of motion remain second order in derivatives. We develop a new theory involving cubic terms in the curvature. We then show that the equations of motion for graviton fluctuations remain second order. The curvature cubed term is shown not to be a topological object, contrary to the belief that dimensionally extended Euler densities provided the only stable dimensionally continued theories of gravity (Lovelock gravity). Black hole solutions are studied in this new gravitational framework.enHigher Curvature gravityblack holesBlack Holes in Pseudo-Topological GravityMaster ThesisPhysics