Chudnovsky, MariaScott, AlexSeymour, PaulSpirkl, Sophie2022-08-122022-08-122020-07-01 is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Israel Journal of Mathematics. The final authenticated version is available online at: G be a graph, and let fG be the sum of (−1)∣A∣, over all stable sets A. If G is a cycle with length divisible by three, then fG = ±2. Motivated by topological considerations, G. Kalai and R. Meshulam [8] made the conjecture that, if no induced cycle of a graph G has length divisible by three, then ∣fG∣ ≤ 1. We prove this conjecture.enproofKalai-Meshulam conjectureProof of the Kalai-Meshulam conjectureArticle