Robichaud, Danielle2017-07-052017-07-052017-06-26 are commonly asked by researchers to produce everything available about a particular topic. While understandable from a researcher standpoint, fulfilling the request is a challenge. Unlike library holdings, archival material is rarely described to the item-level. This makes it difficult for archivists to do more than point researchers to where everything about a particular topic could be. The result is a persistent disconnect between researcher expectations and archival practice. This instructional resource explores that disconnect by exploring why it isn’t possible to ever obtain everything about X held in an archives or, more importantly, to bypass the sometimes daunting and unglamourous work of archival research.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada DescriptionResearcher ExpectationsFinding AidsMissed connections: looking for everything in the archivesArticle