Memartoluie, Amir2017-05-302017-05-302017-05-302017-05-24 uncertainty and the dependence structures of various risk factors are important components of measuring and managing financial risk, such as market, credit and operational risks. In this thesis we provide a systematic investigation into these issues by studying their impacts on Credit Value Adjustment (CVA), Counterparty Credit Risk (CCR), and estimating Value-at-Risk for a portfolio of financial instruments. In particular we address the numerical issues of finding an unknown (worst-case) copula that ties marginal distributions of risk factors together given partial information about them.enCVACVaRVaRKnown MarginalsCVA contributionsAdaptive Rearrangement AlgorithmARAWorst-case copulaCCRCounterparty Credit RiskLinear ProgrammingRisk ManagementBaselComputational Methods in Finance Related to Distributions with Known MarginalsDoctoral Thesis