Pirruccio, Michela2021-08-122021-08-122021-08-122021-07-27http://hdl.handle.net/10012/17208After being burnt down by the liberal politics of the university, I call for a (re)imagining of its structure that can offer hope for those seeking a home in academia. This thesis asks the question, “how can we thinkact differently?” by engaging with a plurality of frames that offer grass-roots possibilities for the students, researchers, staff, and faulty members whose identities and politic are often targeted by the reproduction of status quo. I suggest a reaching out unto anarchist, abolitionist, and Indigenous liberatory frames as means of moving beyond the traditions of the neo liberal university, towards emotional, just, and actionable futurities.enabolitionanarchycommunity carequeer pathsutopiaThinkacting through liberatory frames: (re)imagining the academy beyondMaster Thesis