Church, Kevin E.M.Liu, Xinzhi2018-04-162018-04-162017-111793-6551 version of an article published in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Volume 27, Issue 12, November 2017, 1750186 [23 pages]. DOI: 10.1142/S0218127417501863, © World Scientific Publishing Company, this article, we present a systematic approach to bifurcation analysis of impulsive systems with autonomous or periodic right-hand sides that may exhibit delayed impulse terms. Methods include Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction and center manifold reduction. Both methods are presented abstractly in the context of the stroboscopic map associated to a given impulsive system, and are illustrated by way of two in-depth examples: the analysis of a SIR model of disease transmission with seasonality and unevenly distributed moments of treatment, and a scalar logistic differential equation with a delayed census impulsive harvesting effort. It is proven that in some special cases, the logistic equation can exhibit a codimension two bifurcation at a 1:1 resonance point.enBifurcation theoryimpulsive delay differential equationsSIR modellogistic equationBifurcation analysis and application for impulsive systems with delayed impulsesArticle