Melko, RogerHerdman, ChrisIouchtchenko, DmitriRoy, Pierre-NicholasDel Maestro, Adrian2018-05-242018-05-242016-04-252469-9934© 2016. American Physical Society, by the experimental measurement of the Rényi entanglement entropy in a lattice of ultracold atoms by Islam et al. [Nature (London) 528, 77 (2015)], we propose a method to entangle two spatially separated qubits using the quantum many-body state as a resource. Through local operations accessible in an experiment, entanglement is transferred to a qubit register from atoms at the ends of a one-dimensional chain. We compute the operational entanglement, which bounds the entanglement physically transferable from the many-body resource to the register, and discuss a protocol for its experimental measurement. Finally, we explore measures for the amount of entanglement available in the register after transfer, suitable for use in quantum information applications.enultracold atomsentanglementmany-body physicsEntangling qubit registers via many-body states of ultracold atomsArticle