Thompson, R. B.MacDonald, J. R.Chen, P.2016-03-092016-03-092008-09-30 following article appeared in Physical Review E 78, 030801® and may be found at DOI = 10.1103/PhysRevE.78.030801 ©2008 The American Physical SocietySelf-consistent-field theory is used to reproduce the behavior of polymer surface tension with molecular-weight for both lower and higher molecular-weight polymers. The change in behavior of the surface tension between these two regimes is shown to be due to the almost total exclusion of polymer from the nonpolymer bulk phase. The predicted two regime surface tension behavior with molecular-weight and the exclusion explanation are shown to be valid for a range of different polymer compressibilities.enpolymersself-consistent field theorysurface tensionmolecular-weightOrigin of change in molecular-weight dependence for polymer surface tensionArticle