Johnston, JohnParks, JenDelaney, Keith BrianThompson, JasonSalman, Max2020-03-182020-03-182019-07-31 do we engage and motivate students in immersive learning experiences that are otherwise impossible (i.e. Geologic History of the Grand Canyon) or not feasible (i.e. 3D perspective of volcanoes of the world) or invisible (i.e. Age-dating rocks)? The Google Expedition Kit funded by the Dean of Science Undergraduate Teaching Initiative was chosen as the best entry level system because it is cost-effective, self-contained, already tested and versatile for teachable moments. Here we present the perceived advantages and disadvantages of this system in geoscience education. Presented at the Digital Pedagogy Institute Conference, July 31 to Aug 1, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON.engeoscienceeducationvirtual realityEarth and environmental science immersive learning experiences using a Google Expedition KitConference Slides