Barrales-Hall, Andrea Lynn2012-08-292012-08-292012-08-292012 of Nazianzus (ca. AD 330-390) was one of the most learned men of his time and is one of the most important theologians of the early Christian Church. His orations, letters and poetry were widely studied and greatly copied in the Middle Ages. However, there is a lack of modern scholarship on Gregory's poetry, which is why there is such need for this thesis, a study of carm. II 1. 22, with introduction and commentary. The introduction focuses primarily on aspects of carm. II. 1. 22 while outlining the events of Gregory's life and situating the poem within them. The commentary is largely linguistic with autobiographical and historical features discussed and brief mention of theological matters.enGregory of Nazianzuslate antique poetryGregory of Nazianzus: carmen II. 1. 22: An Edition and CommentaryMaster ThesisAncient Mediterranean Cultures