He, Morgan2019-01-222019-01-222019-01-222019http://hdl.handle.net/10012/14378The purpose of this thesis is to explore a number of techniques used in lightweight cryptography design and their applications in the hardware designs of two lightweight permutations called sLiSCP and sLiSCP-light. Most of current methods in lightweight cryptography are optimized around one functionality and is only useful for applications that require their specific design. We aimed to provide a design that can provide multiple functionalities. In this thesis, we focus and show the hash function and authenticated encryption of our design. We implemented two lightweight permutations designs of sLiSCP and sLiSCP-light in VHDL. During the verification of sLiSCP cipher, we discovered additional area that could be saved if we tweaked the design slightly. This would lead us to consider the design of sLiSCP-light which helps dramatically reduce area. Results of our designs of sLiSCP and sLiSCP-light satisfied the lightweight requirements, including hardware area, power, and throughput, for applications such as passive RFID tags. Lastly, we did tests on the randomness of Simeck and Simon Feistel structures. We wanted to observe the pseudorandom nature of structures similar to Simeck and Simon so we performed exhaustive tests on small instances of these structures to trace any trends in their behavior. We confirmed that Simon and Simeck were very consistent and provided acceptable pseudorandom results. For larger sizes, we expect similar results from Simon and Simeck.enMulti-Purpose Designs in Lightweight CryptographyMaster Thesis