Chairunnanda, Prima2013-06-212014-04-152013-06-212013 replication with snapshot isolation (SI) has emerged as a popular choice for distributed databases. However, lazy replication requires the execution of update transactions at one (master) site so that it is relatively easy for a total SI order to be determined for consistent installation of updates in the lazily replicated system. We propose a set of techniques that support update transaction execution over multiple partitioned sites, thereby allowing the master to scale. Our techniques determine a total SI order for update transactions over multiple master sites without requiring global coordination in the distributed system, and ensure that updates are installed in this order at all sites to provide consistent and scalable replication with SI. We have built our techniques into PostgreSQL and demonstrate their effectiveness through experimental evaluation.endatabasereplicationpartitioninglog mergingsnapshot isolationMulti-Master Replication for Snapshot Isolation DatabasesMaster ThesisComputer Science