Matheson, Tyler2020-05-052020-05-052020-05-052020-04-20 other name would smell as sweet is an exploration of personal and shared experiences of feeling queer. This exhibition serves as an aesthetic and material investigation of the performativity of othered bodies, identities, and visibility. The process of becoming and adapting to surroundings is conceptually and experientially present in my work. When creating installations, I employ mirrors and queer-coded reflective materials. By choosing materials that have the visual capability to shift and transform their appearance depending on the viewer’s body and position in relation to the work, I create a spatial dynamism where each individual's experience is uniquely their own—where the viewer and the work are reliant on each other. In this codependent performance, the gallery becomes a site where viewers can be projected into queer liminal space—a bridge between worlds.enArt, CanadianPainting, CanadianSculpture, CanadianPhotographyPaintersSculptorsPhotographers21st centuryExhibitionsCanadaAny other name would smell as sweetMaster Thesis